Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Eva Longoria Files for Divorce

 Am I suprised to see this happen? NO. Why? Let me say this: Not many marriages in hollywood last anymore. There is so many luxuries in the lifestyle and its so easy to cheat. She filed this morning under "irreconcible differences"...cheating. She is also asking Tony for spousal support and there was also a prenup involved. Watch this become a complete mess...
 Eva discovered that Tony was cheating by discovering text messages from a mutual friend. Supposedely this has been going on for almost a year.
 Us Weekly quotes:
            "Eva is heartbroken by the betrayal, Once the trust was lost, the marriage was over."

People magazine reports that the mysterious woman is a fellow wife of his teammates. Wow...he caused damage on both ends...
Also according to People Eva was blindsided by this whole situation. I did say many marriages do not last in Hollywood, but I thought this one would last longer than it did. I think she is being great about the whole thing. You can never trust athletes...shall we go back to the Tiger Woods incident?
Didn't think so...

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